The Little Aviary of Sex and Miscellany
One hundred winged beasts: Paintings, drawings, photos and prints of birds. And only birds. Imagined birds. Abstract birds. Absurd birds. Sexy birds. Cocky birds. Fighting birds. Rare birds. Odd birds. Extinct birds.
And a Limited-Edition Folio presented in a brushed aluminum box:
The Winged Bestiary, an Illustrated Abcedarium of Feathered Nonsense from A to Zumborouk. A companion imaginarium of avian images combined with couplets of a winged nature in which poet Martin Tarrat and artist Langley Spurlock create amusement for connoisseurs of curiosities and idiosities touched with the occasional note of melancholy. The hatted Alàmodal and the rare Barcafungle. Sad King Raphus and the Wall Street Ninnybot. Scarts, Urks, Ockers, Überlunzies and the Unky Jamphler—35 avians arranged according to their own 35-letter alphabet.

Ægypt's Bird of Paradise
Archival Pigment Print
6 x 4 inches

Archival Pigment Print
6 x 4 inches

Archival Pigment Print
6 x 6 inches

Equator Birds
Archival Pigment Print
6 x 4 inches

Archival Pigment Print
6 x 6 inches

Archival Pigment Print
6 x 6 inches

Peking Ducks
Archival Pigment Print
4 x 6 inches

Unky Jamphler
Archival Pigment Print
6 x 6 inches

Wall Street Ninnybot
Archival Pigment Print
6 x 6 inches

Folio - The Winged Bestiary